How to Improve Your Electric Car Battery Lifespan

Electric car battery being charged.

Electric vehicles are more and more popular. New and more experienced electric car owners alike face the same question: How do I best protect the battery? Share on The battery in an electric car (EV) is one of the most expensive components and can easily cost $10,000 (60,000 Danish Kroner). That price tag makes it […]

How True Energy Harnesses the Power of EV Integrations – True Energy

Line of EVs and EV integrations.

EV integrations sit at the heart of True Energy’s advanced energy management systems. Look behind the curtain at how we link our solutions to electric vehicles. Share on How does information flow back and forth between our systems and your car? Electric vehicle integration steps​ The different ways to integrate with an EV​ The Future […]

Do You Look Like Your EV? What AI Thinks EV Owners Look Like – True Energy

AI-generated image of an EV owner.

More and more people make the switch to electric vehicles (EVs) – but who exactly are they? We asked AI in the form of ChatGPT to suggest what AI thinks EV owners of different EVs might look like. Share on AI systems give insights regarding EV owner stereotypes Explore the AI-generated images and texts See […]

True Energy Integrates Directly with Jaguar and Porsche EVs

True Energy app integrating with a Jaguar EV.

Owners of Jaguar and Porsche EVs can leverage True Energy’s direct integration with their vehicles to make charging intelligent and automatic. Share on A smart charge True Energy’s intelligent, automated features, such as smart charge, optimise the EV charging process. We enable EV owners to charge their vehicles when electricity is the cheapest and most climate-friendly. […]

What your garden furniture and electricity prices have in common – True Energy

Electricity prices analysis for home owners and EV owners.

Garden furniture and electricity prices both follow the course of the year. An analysis indicates that different types of renewable energy contribute to fluctuating energy prices. Share on Automated, intelligent solutions can help consumers save money. The old advice goes: Put the garden furniture out (forward) in the spring and back in the autumn. This […]

How the Faroe Islands Points to the Future of Energy

Faroe Islands with waterfall signifying renewable energy.

The Faroe Islands are becoming a model for the future of energy, including renewables and electric vehicles (EVs). Share on Explore The Faroe Islands If you want to explore a mini cosmos of what the future of energy looks like, cast your eyes toward the North Atlantic. Here, the Faroe Islands are taking a broad […]

What’s your perfect EV Christmas gift according to AI?

AI picking EV christmas gifts

We asked the ChatGPT and Midjourney AI systems to imagine what stereotypical owners of different electric vehicles do for a living, what they look like, and what you can get them for Christmas. Share on As the holiday season revs up, so does the hunt for the perfect gifts. So, what will you get the […]

Understanding and Overcoming EV Range Anxiety in Winter 

Wintery road and battery symbolising EV range anxiety.

With wintry weather descending, electric vehicle (EV) owners and fleet managers face a common concern: range anxiety, exacerbated by colder conditions. Share on Tips and tricks will help minimise anxiety and maximise range during the colder months. Wintry conditions have a direct impact on EV performance. For example, it can substantially reduce driving range. Informed […]

True Energy: Looking Back at 2023 and Forward to 2024

FIreowrks display celebrating 2023 for True Energy.

The end of the year is a great time for family and friends to pause for a while and reflect. For True Energy, 2023 was a year of significant strides in intelligent energy and mobility solutions. Share on Successful expansion One highlight was our successful expansion of direct integrations to more electric vehicles (EVs). We now offer […]

10 Tips and Tricks for Embracing EV Winter Holidays

An EV on an icy road during the winter holiday.

With the proper preparation electric vehicles (EVs) and winter holidays go hand in hand. Make your EV winter holidays, even going on ski trips, to a proverbial walk in the park with our tips and tricks. Share on Get ready for a winter holiday in an EV with our tips and tricks. Ten easy stems […]