10 tips and tricks: Get your electric vehicle ready for the summer holidays

EV summer holiday preperation picture

Whether your trip is heading north, east, west or south, an electric vehicle (EV) is an excellent choice of transport – if preparations are handled properly.  We share ten electric vehicle tips and tricks on how to get ready for your EV summer vacation. Share on Both new and more experienced electric car owners are […]

Avoid or Minimize EV Vampire Drain

Minimise vampire drain image

Vampire drain occurs when built-in systems and third-party apps slowly drains your electric car’s battery, even when it’s not in use. Share on To know how to avoid EV Vampire drain, you need to ask First of all – What is vampire drain? ‍How much range can I lose to vampire drain? What should I […]


Cityscape with lines that symbolise vehicle-to-grid technology

With Vehicle-to-Grid, or V2G, your electric car can potentially make money while sitting still. Read how it will take place in our guide. Share on Electric cars can do a lot – and have the potential for even more. For example, they can “sell” the energy that is in their batteries when they are standing […]

Which electric car charging solution is best for me?

Several EV chargers on a wall

Which EV charging solution is best for your needs? Find answers in our guide below. Share on Four different types of charging solution with specific advantages and disadvantages dominate the market. Find out which one suits you best and how to charge your electric car as cheaply as possible. As a new or prospective electric […]

What is grid balancing? And how does it help the climate?

Image that symbolises grid balancing

What is grid balancing? And how does it help the climate? The energy grid needs constant balancing of supply and demand. Renewable energy sources can increase grid balancing challenges, but electric vehicles and True Energy’s solutions can help and simultaneously support the climate. Share on True Energy’s advanced smart charge and Big Battery are not only good for electric […]

Here is what Danish Tesla owners think of their cars

Danish Tesla owner in her vehicle.

True Energy helps many Danish Tesla owners with car charging in the most optimal way. We asked our Tesla owning users to rate their cars and tell us which features they value the most. Share on The results of True Energy’s Tesla survey are in, and there is a clear main conclusion: Danish Tesla owners […]

Why your electric car is charging slower than you expected

An electric car charging

In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons behind varying charging speeds and offer ten practical tips and tricks on how you can optimise the charging process. Share on My electric car is not charging at the speed I thought it would. Many of us have made similar observations about our electric vehicle (EV) […]

Skoda Enyaq and CitigoE

Electric vehicle from Skoda

The integration is, as with Tesla and VW, a direct integration between True Energy and the car. This means that regardless of which charging box you have, you can now use the True Energy app to charge your Skoda electric car when it is cheapest or most climate-friendly. Share on No more typing in State of Charge […]

Denmark’s Tariff System for Electric Vehicle Owners – True Energy

The Danish energy tariff system illustrated by wind turbines.

Denmark is undergoing a significant shift in network tariffs. Tariff Model 3.0 is time-differentiated, but with the True Energy app, you get full information on tariffs and a way of charging when they’re lowest.   Share on Network tariffs are a core element of our electricity grid. Below is an explanation of how True Energy integrates tariffs […]

The three best apps for taking your electric car on summer holiday in Europe

A couple looking at an app for their EV summer holiday.

Embarking on a European road trip in your EV? Navigate unfamiliar territories with our top three apps for your EV summer holiday for the best charging and driving experience throughout your adventure. Share on Planning a summer holiday road trip in your electric vehicle (EV) means navigating charging stations and solutions across unfamiliar territories. True […]