EVs and Load Balancing Explained

Image of Ev taht symbolises load balancing

Find answers to questions like, how do EVs and load balancing go together? Why should EV owners be concerned about load balancing? And how can energy companies leverage EVs to increase grid resilience? Share on EVs can provide load balancing and support grid infrastructure. EV owners have a lot to gain from grid balancing. Load […]

Load Shifting Strategies for Energy Companies

Load balancing for energy companies headline iage

Explore effective load shifting strategies and how each can enhance grid performance and resilience. Share on Load shifting is increasingly important for energy companies and their customers. Different strategies can help maximise the positive impact. Combining strategies and technologies will often produce the best result. Load shifting is quickly becoming a key currency for energy […]

What is Grid Flexibility?

Image illustrating grid flexibility

The energy ecosystem is undergoing dramatic change. Grid flexibility is a crucial component for navigating energy systems’ evolution. New solutions and technologies, like managed EV charging, provide crucial upgrades and lead to new opportunities for energy companies. Share on Grid flexibility is evolving and gaining more importance. Energy companies and consumers can leverage grid flexibility. […]

Top Ten Energy Sources for a Sustainable Future

Top ten energy sources for the future

From solar power to fusion energy, discover what lies ahead. Explore the energy sources that will define our energy landscape. Share on Several energy forms are poised to define the future for energy companies and consumers. See our top ten of the energy forms of the future. Learn more about what the future energy mix […]

Our Great-Grandparents’ Dreams About Energy and Transport Today

Futuristic imagination of energy and transportation

Whale buses might not be a thing, but many of past generations’ predictions for energy and transportation in the 21st century are uncannily good. Share on Past generations have a strong track record with energy and transportation predictions. See predictions from the 1900s, 1920s-1930s, and 1950s. The predictions can serve as inspiration for charting the […]

Utilities: Preparing Energy Grids for Electric Vehicles

An electric vehicle and parts of the energy grid

Preparing energy grids for EVs can be a puzzle for energy companies and utilities. As electric vehicles are set for continued, explosive growth, preparations need to start as early as possible. Share on Rapid EV growth demands early action from utilities. Innovative energy and EV management solutions can help future-proof the grid. Advanced smart charging […]

What Happens When an EV “Dies”?

EV covered in vegetation.

How much of an EV is recyclable today – and in the future? Read on to learn more about the current and future state of recycling EVs. Share on Recycling EVs is challenging The technology is evolving rapidly Future EVs may be built as fully recyclable Even when your EV has driven its last kilometre, […]

SEV Webinar

SEV webinar image with photo from the Faroe Islands.

True Energy’s solutions play a central part in how the Faroe Islands activate EVs in their move toward carbon neutral energy production by 2030. Learn much more in our webinar – and check out the on demand video below. Share on Key takeaways The utility SEV and the Faroe Islands showcase initiatives that point to […]

What is climate-friendly electricity?

Solar panels on a house symbolising climate-friendly electricity.

Supporting the green transition and promoting climate-friendly electricity happens automatically when using True Energy’s solutions. you are supporting the green transition of energy use and the electricity grid in two ways: By buying certified energy from renewable energy sources and by using electricity when its production is as environmentally friendly as possible.  Share on Electricity […]

Why You Still Pay for Negative Electricity Prices

Why you pay for negative electricity prices

Even with negative electricity prices, you end up having to pay for electricity – a situation that is partially due to the energy grid’s structure. True Energy provides you with the best possible starting point for minimising your electricity costs and carbon footprint – no matter what the electricity prices are like. Share on In True Energy’s […]